A loan modification is a permanent change in the terms of a mortgage note. Recently loan modifications have become more popular, because of rising foreclosures. It is less expensive for a bank to modify a loan than it is to foreclose.Generally when a loan is modified, the interest rate is lowered so that the payments are more affordable. In the case of foreclosure, the loan term can be extended, and the late payments can be added to the end of the loan.
The more problems that you have paying your mortgage, the more likely your lender will allow you to modify your mortgage.Recent studies have shown that a Loan Modification costs a lender 40% less than a foreclosure. Banks are in business to make money.
If they have to take your home, they lose the profit that they would have made on interest, and may lose several thousand dollars on the sale of your property.If you are in an adjustable loan or your payments are unaffordable, it is in your best interest to see if you qualify for a modification.

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@ Jonathan Muller
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